Top Spring Gardening jobs


Spring is undoubtedly the happiest time for gardeners. Leaves emerge from dormant shrubs and trees, wisteria and roses burst into bloom, flowering annuals cover garden beds and the soil is wet and warm. The weather entices us all outdoors to frolic about in the dirt and get cracking on some chores.

Clear Weeds

If you haven’t been brave enough to weather the storms this winter, this is the last chance to stop the weed seeds from burying themselves into the ground for next year’s weed crop.

Refresh your garden bed soil

Add manures, wetting agent and compost. Lightly turn this over into the beds.

Potted plants

Most potted plants will need to be repotted or at least some fresh potting mix added to the top layer. This is the best time to do it. Give plants a light trim first before digging out some of the soil with a hand trowel. Top up with fresh potting mix with a bit of added compost.

Herb Garden

Refresh the herb garden. The warm or semi-tropical herbs will have died off or succumbed to fungal diseases.


Check the level of your mulch. If it’s less than 5cm it may need to be topped up before November.

Citrus Trees

Fertilise your citrus trees. Oranges, limes and lemons will continue to flower and set fruit.


Check your lawn for dead patches. It may need top dressing with a compost and loamy sand-based soil blend. You can mow it short to get all the good stuff into the subsoil.


Roses are going to start their blooming with great abundance soon. Remember to protect their leaves from fungal diseases with a preventative spray of one part organic milk to 10 parts water.